
Summon: Honor Steed
Skill information
Tooltip description
Summon: Honor SteedSummon: Honor Steed
Cast time Instant
Cooldown 1sec
Movement Speed 290
Summon a Honor Steed to ride.
Level 1 and above
Source Being part of a vanarch guild.
Movement speed 290
Cast time Instant
Cooldown 1sec

Summon: Honor Steed is a skill that allows the summoning of a ride-able Honor Steed mount which runs at a movement speed of 290, being the current fastest mount in TERA: The Exiled Realm of Arborea.


The Honor Steed is automatically learned by being part of a guild whose guild leader is a vanarch, a politic ruler of a province. As such, this mount is available to all members of such guild. Assuming the guild has been elected when a character is logged out, that character will learn the skill upon logging in.


This mount has conditions of loss, as such when one of these requirements are met, the skill will automatically be unlearned and will not come back unless the guild has been elected once more.

  • Leave an elected guild.
  • Loss of re-election, leaving the guild with no province to rule.


v · d · eMountskills Mount Skills
Speed Released mounts

Summon: Arcadian Dapple Summon: Arcadian Dapple Summon: Bay Gelding Summon: Bay Gelding Summon: Velikan Gray Summon: Velikan Gray

255 Summon: Blue Roan Summon: Blue Roan Summon: Chestnut Gelding Summon: Chestnut Gelding Summon: Pinto Summon: Pinto Summon: White Stallion Summon: White Stallion
270 Summon: Fast Bay Gelding Summon: Fast Bay Gelding

Summon: Regal Frostlion Summon: Regal Frostlion Summon: Shadow Steed Summon: Shadow Steed Summon: Aelian Zebra Summon: Black Leopard Summon: Black Leopard Summon: Nexus Warhorse Summon: Death Charger Summon: Night Mare Summon: Night Mare


Summon: Honor Steed Summon: Honor Steed

Unreleased mounts
275 Summon: Velik's Festival Horse
280 Summon: Tawny Huntress Summon: Jeweled Lion Whitetex ?
290 Summon: Black Stallion