Sidurek's Last Words
Start Z-start Nasha
End Z-end Nasha
Level 30
Type Zone
Location Lee's End Stead
Money 9Silver coin 60Copper coin
Experience 9,600


  1. Old Lock
    "Find Sidurek's journal in the ruins north of the base."
  2. Old Barrel
    "Search the old barrel."
  3. Weird Orb
    "Bring the weird orb back to Nasha."


Z-start Nasha

We still don't know how Sidurek accomplished the changes in the Free Brotherhood. I need you to return to the ruins and see if he left any clues.

Z-progress Old Lock

(You see a book. It could be a journal.)

(Read the journal.)

...Contaminating the drinking water proved quite effective, or any drinks or food. After many tests, I decided to fill a barrel with wine and contaminate it using the orb...

(Follow the clues in the journal.)

Z-progress Old Barrel

(Ash fills the barrel. You reach in and feel around, then pull out a round object.)

(Take the object.)

Z-end Nasha

You think he may have done it with this? Hmm.

Well, thank you for your time and service here, <player name>. I'll get this off to Velika with the next messenger. They'll have our answers.

(For the federation!)

Rewar 9Silver coin 60Copper coin[]
