
Cast your vote with the Deletion Discussion Voting Scheme
Select the code from the list below that best describes your feelings on the nominated article.
You have a single vote, but are free to enter comments and questions as you feel necessary.
Voting will be open from 03/11/13 until 03/18/13.

Vote-yay {{voteyay}} ~~~~ You feel this article should be deleted from the Tera Wiki.
Vote-nay {{votenay}} ~~~~ You do not feel this article should be deleted from the Tera Wiki.
Question {{question}} ~~~~ TEXT You are posing a question on the topic.
(This may be done in addition to voting, both before & after)
(Please enter that question in place of the word 'TEXT')
Merge {{votemerge}} ~~~~ [[NAME]] You support the merging of this article with another, or moving it to a new location.
(Please specify that new location or article by replacing the word 'NAME' in the Wikilinks with the appropriate title.)
Comment {{comment}} ~~~~ TEXT You are making a comment on the topic.
(This may be done in addition to voting, both before & after)
(Please enter that question in place of the word 'TEXT')
Dont-vote {{dontvote}} ~~~~ You are choosing to abstain from voting on this deletion.