
World Bosses are named monsters that spawn rarely and are harder than regular mobs. Most WBs are BAMs, although some are normal-sized monsters. WBs are marked with red skull icon before their names.

World Boss generally have 1-4 hour spawn time, but some have longer like 6 hours or 24 hours. There have also been some bosses considered "bugged" that spawn only once per week when server reset happens. As of later patches generally all WBs should have standard 3 hour spawn time (info as patch 80 or level 70 patch). World Bosses are not subject of normal quests.

World Bosses had important part of early TERA endgame. They were subject of Guild Suppression Orders and Vanarch Orders. These quests were obtained at the Valkyon Federation Mission boards in major cities and outlaying towns. Guild Suppression Orders rewarded Catharnach Awards that were used to keep up guild level and to buy various buff potions. Vanarch quests rewarded policy points that were used to maintain NPCs in the province that you ruled as Vanarch.

Nowadays they are usually killed for achievements. However, there are numerous world bosses that are not part of any achievements or quests.

Southern Arun[]

Southern Shara[]

Northern Shara[]


North Arun[]


partial list in Rare Monsters in Exodor Outskirts
